Brazilian Wax Treatment Benefits – A friendly client reminder

Well, this waxing treatment is certainly going to be a hot service this summer. If it’s the only beauty treatment that gets done in between lockdowns, then so be it! It’s a must have treatment, and more than just for that amazing hair-free feeling!
For those Eastern States across this fine land, our clients are certainly in need of a few reminders in between their Brazilian waxing treatment. With short and long-term lockdowns getting in the way of their regular Brazilian, we can quite easily forget the benefits of sticking to our Brazilian regime, and the maintenance benefits in between! The temptation of the razor starts to rear its ugly head.
So, how can you remind your clients about the great reasons to stay on the waxing path and why?
Well, not only is this a great reason to stay in contact with your clients if you are in lockdown, and if you’re not, then even more reason to get the word out! Email, social, and the rest! Let’s explore the benefits and maintenance must do’s!

Brazilian Wax Benefit #1
Revive and reset! A Brazilian Wax actually exfoliates the skin by removing dead and dry skin cells. Yet do your clients know this? This helps to keep the intimate areas smooth and presents long-lasting benefits of a healthier complexion.
Brazilian Wax Benefit #2
A Brazilian Wax lasts longer than the razor option. An effective treatment can last up to six-weeks, depending on the client’s hair type and growth rate.
Brazilian Wax Maintenance #1
Ensure your client understands the benefits of a regular wax routine. We may ask our clients to come back in four-weeks, yet do they really understand why? If the hair gets too long, then there is more chance of the hair breaking off leaving the root behind. This is why our four-week call back is necessary to maintain optimal results. Make sure you tell your client this! If they are experiencing lockdowns, remind them that it’s worth the wait!
Brazilian Wax Maintenance #2
Further to maintenance #1, and a great reminder for when your client is in lockdown, your client should be made aware, they can help to prevent hair breakage and help to ensure effective future waxing results, by exfoliating and moisturising in between. An area some often forget to pamper with a little moisturiser! With your client ensuring they perform these simple maintenance steps; they help to reduce the chance of breakage during treatment. Be sure to remind them not to exfoliate until the second or third day after their Brazilian treatment, and to moisturise from day one. This way the skin’s pores are protected, closed and the skin would have had time to recover particularly before exfoliation begins.
Brazilian Wax Maintenance #3

Suggest a moisturiser that is fragrance free and kind to sensitive areas. An Aloe-based lotion or moisturising cleanser is ideal in its healing properties and moisturising benefits. If your client is more on the extra sensitive side, then a Tea Tree-based lotion can be used for the first few days to reduce redness and ingrown hair. Witch Hazel is also a great maintenance option as it not only helps reduce irritation and inflammation, yet it helps to tighten pores, treat ingrown hairs and provides moisturising benefits at the same time!
Brazilian Wax Maintenance #4
If lockdown times are getting in between your client’s Brazilian wax regime, take this opportunity to remind your client they can perform a little trim if they desire. This way, it takes the edge off that irritable hairy feeling, and helps keep the hair at a great length for when they can go back in for their Brazilian Waxing Treatment. Plus, it will make your treatment more effective and help speed up the service!
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